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Monday, May 7, 2012

How to do better in Anatomy spot/OSPE tests

Working as a demonstrator in anatomy in facuty of medicine,university of ruhuna, sri lanka, i have noted that students find it difficult to score in anatomy spots tests. Basicallly an anatomy spot test is an time limited test where a candidate is given a body or a part of body where a specific structure is given and asked a few questions on it.In gross anatomy spot each has a time period of about one minute or less.though some claim it to be hard, a right approach to it makes it one of the easiest and most enjoyable form of examination. Here i have tried to outline few important steps that might be helpful in aceiving good marks in an anatomy spot.

A)Get to know the usual spots given in the test

there is no alternative to this step . it is imperative that a student must findout about the structure of the exam. he should know how many spot stations are available in the test, and also how many from each region of the body.also it is important to know the time limit to each spot. it is better if you could visit the place where the exam is usually held to familiarize your self to the surroundings.( i have personally done this, and it gives away special oppurtunities......if you know what i mean) another important thing is that look for spot lists of previous exams, these are usually available with students who have just finished the exams.

B)Refer the gross anatomy atlas

Once you get to know the spots that have been given in the previous exams, you should look it up in the gross anatomy atlas you have. usually each anatomy department specifies or recommends a reading list and it usually includes one or two atlases. whenever an examiner sets spots for an major exam, he makes it sure that it confirms to the normal anatomical relationshipps provided in anatomical literature. this is easiest in referring to an anatomy atlas.

C) Do not panic

after heavy preparation and you are finally there in front of your first anatomy spot station, the most common thing to happen is panicking. all you may see is a bunch of chopped up meat and nothing else. in order to prevent this from happening, mentally reharse your first anatomy spot test.once ypu get used to the situation you will find this very enjoyable.

D) See what layers and parts of the cadaver have been removed

For an example in upper limb if only the skin is removed from arm only few structures are visible. the veins and the muscles. this should come to your mind instatnly. so in such a spot you dont need to ponder over wheter this is a nerve or an artery, as nerves and arteries lies even deeper the fasciae. if i take another example, if in the thorax, the anterior wall have been completely removed , you must eliminate all structures that lies in the thoracic wall from your mind. see wheter any other structures like lung has been removed. if the lung has been removed it can well be a structure from posterior mediastinum or the posterior wall of thorax. in such occasions a student must focus his attention on to structures that lie in these parts only.

E) Do not try to give lengthy answers

In this type of exams, the examiners expect only an specific answer and never want an lengthy one. therefore the answer you give must be specific.

F)Always specify the side in bilateral strucures

for an example if the answer is facial nerve at the face your answer should include whether it is right and left or if the specimen is the colliculus of brain, it should be stated that wether it is superioir or inferior.

These are only few guidelines that a student might be able to practice. but i strongly suggest you to develpop a method that best suits you.

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